About ICUC & Curises
Inter-Continental University of the Caribbean (ICUC) has been founded by the Curaçao Institute for Social & Economic Studies (CURISES) as its brand name to offer high quality academic and professional training programs. CURISES has been founded in 1994 and has over 20 years of experience.
Highlights of the success of CURISES have been the introduction of new graduate programs in alliance with European and American universities of such a quality for CURISES to become in Curaçao the first and only higher education institute offering accredited master programs.
It’s in this light that the Inter-Continental University of the Caribbean has been founded: to carry on the tradition of preparing local professionals with degree programs that can stand the test of international criticism.

The vision of the Inter Continental University of the Caribbean is to create a community of leaders with academic knowledge, management and social skills.
The Inter Continental University of the Caribbean organizes education and research activities to support the integral developing process of Curacao.
Core Values
I ntegrity:
We value integrity and conduct ourselves with honesty, responsibility, and professionalism. The outcome of our actions is marked by quality and trust.
C reativity
We value creativity and seek to find successful outcomes through ingenuity, innovation, problem solving, and resourcefulness.
U tmost best
Believing we exist to improve the quality of life of our many constituencies, we value meaningful service and will do our upmost best to seek the long-term benefit of our university, college students, faculty, staff, communities, and industries.
C ommunication
We value communication and recognize that significant accomplishments are possible when we are candid and respectful.
Organizational Structure
Legal entity & Goal
The legal entity of ICUC is the CURISES Foundation. The goal of the foundation is to offer professional and academic education as well as scientific research in the field of Social Sciences and the field of Economics & Business in the broadest sense to deepen the afore-mentioned education.
The Foundation offers its education and research by
a. Recruiting highly qualified local and international (academic) staff
b. Entering into alliances with highly qualified educational institutes
Board of Directors
The Board consists of three Executive Board members selected out of the Program Directors and two Supervisory Board members.
Program Directors
Program Directors are in charge of the programs and they preside the Committees for Education and Research. (see also Quality Assurance)
Quality Assurance
For quality assurance The Foundation has the following organs
- The Academic Council as an advisory body to the board of directors
- A Committee for Education and Research may be appointed for a particular program and is responsible for developing, evaluating and submitting proposals to improve the program.
- A Supervisory Board (“Curatorium”) for independent supervision of a program
ICUC’s main office and education facilities are accommodated in the Martinus College in the heart of the city-center of Curaçao. The Martinus College has a vast history with respect to education. It was built by the Sister Franciscaner order and has since always been a center of education. It includes state of the art facilities for classrooms, offices, training sessions and meetings. It is located at the central Brionplein square in the heart of the old city of Curacao, overlooking the famous Handelskade. Public transportation is around the corner and there are lots of parking spaces.